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Is your baby standing in their cot?

Learning to stand is an exciting and physical milestone all little ones will go through. Often they enjoy practising standing in the own comfort of their warm and cosy bed. You can’t force your baby to lie down and go to sleep, but there are ways that we can support this transition. - Safety First: Now’s the time to lower the mattress if you haven’t already – we don’t want your baby toppling out of the cot. We don't recommend cot bumper, but if you are using one, we recommend gett...

May 4, 2024

Separation Anxiety in babies

Separation anxiety is a common topic we often get asked alot about. Let's take a look and see how it can play a major role in your little one's sleep and nap routines.🤔What is Separation Anxiety?Separation anxiety is a perfectly normal part of your child's development, typically emerging around 8-9 months and peaking between 10-18 months. It's a sign that your little one is forming strong attachments, which is fantastic for their emotional growth but can pose challenges when it comes to sleep...

April 5, 2024

When should my baby drop a nap?

Dropping the last nap of the day Dropping from 3-2 naps is a significant milestone for your little one, usually happening between 6-8 months of age. It can be a total game-changer and a huge relief for you too!Here are some signs that your baby might be ready to make this change and some tips on how to do it smoothly:If they take forever to fall asleep or outright refuse the nap, it might be time to bid farewell.Shortening lunchtime naps? That's a sign too! They might be waking up earlier, ...

August 23, 2023

Reasons why sleep is so important for babies...

Besides giving mum and dad a well-deserved break, sleep is essential for human development. These days, there are many different opinions around parenting, breast or bottle-fed, co-sleeping or not, dummy or no dummy. But all these things aside, most parents will agree that sleep deprivation can be extremely tough. When your little one is peacefully asleep, their bodies go into overdrive, producing growth hormones at an incredible rate. Those long stretches of sleep? That's when they're doing the...

July 7, 2023

How to change a sleep association

When you decide to change how your little one settles to sleep, it's important to be consistent with your approach to see results.Here are three steps to keep in mind:STOP AND OBSERVE: Before rushing in to soothe your baby, take a moment to see if they are able to resettle themselves in between sleep cycles. Sometimes babies will fuss or grizzle a bit before settling back down on their own, and intervening too quickly could actually disrupt this process.LISTEN: Before we make a move, let's list...

June 22, 2023

Preschool and Sleep

Starting preschool or kindergarten can stir up a whirlwind of emotions, leaving us with a mix of feelings. It's common for this transition to disrupt our sleep patterns and daily routines, causing anxiety and unease. However, it's important to remember that sleep at preschool may differ significantly from the familiar routines at home. It's all about finding the right balance and adjusting to this new phase. So, take comfort in knowing that while it may be a challenging adjustment, it's a normal...

June 22, 2023

Why is my baby experiencing false starts?

Does your baby often wake within the first hour (usually between 30-50 minutes) of going to bed for the night? This is what we call a false start.What causes a false start??▪️Overtiredness▪️Under tiredness▪️Needing help with a sleep association (feeding, dummy, rocking)▪️HungerOvertired - We blame overtiredness for many things when it comes to our babies' sleep, but when we talk about false starts, it is often the culprit. An overtired baby will wake more in the night due to a ri...

February 28, 2023

Is your baby a Catnapper?

You see a sleep routine that states that your baby "should be napping for X amount of time"; however, your baby doesn't. You ask yourself why? A long uninterrupted lunch sounds great, but my baby only does 30-45 mins. How can I fix this?✅ Here is your checklist:Are you allowing them the opportunity to resettle? If you are rushing in and attending to your little one, you might interrupt the process of them trying to resettle.-Can they self-settle? (Settle to sleep without your assistance)-...

January 28, 2023

Is my baby reverse cycling?

Reverse cycling is a common issue for many parents of babies and young children. It occurs when a baby takes the bulk of their calories at night, limiting their interest in solids and milk during the day. This can be a frustrating and confusing situation for parents, as it's common for newborns to feed a lot overnight, but as babies get older, we typically expect to see those feeds spaced out more.Reverse cycling can affect babies from as young as 4 months old, and can continue until a child is ...

December 28, 2022

How to deal with early rising

Early morning wakes can be a frustrating and challenging aspect of children's sleep. They can be the final piece of the puzzle for children who have otherwise consolidated their nighttime sleep, but figuring out how to fix them can be difficult.One reason why early morning wakes are more challenging to fix than nighttime wakes is because of the hormone cortisol. In the early hours of the morning, cortisol levels start to rise, which helps us wake up and feel alert. This means that any external n...

October 12, 2022

What is sleep pressure?

Sleep pressure is a biological reaction that drives us to want to sleep, but finding the right balance for babies and young children can be tricky. As your baby grows, their awake windows will increase, and it's important to find the right balance so that they can settle to sleep easily and stay asleep for a decent amount of time.It's all about balance when it comes to sleep pressure. If a baby's awake windows aren't quite suitable for their age, or if they are having too much sleep during the d...

October 12, 2022

Transitioning from cot to bed, what to expect.

We know this can be an exciting time for parents, Setting up your little one's room with a big kid's bed. Our advice to you - If your toddler is sleeping well in their cot, not climbing out, and you don't need it for a younger sibling, we recommend making this transition as close to 3 years as possible.Between 2.5-3years of age, children start to develop impulse control, making it much easier to stay in their bed at bedtime and overnight, understanding bedtime boundaries. This doesn't mean they ...

September 21, 2022 Posts 1-12 of 12 | Page

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