p. Anna 021 208 7117 or Kerri 027 333 3808

Is your baby standing in their cot?

Is your baby standing in their cot?

Learning to stand is an exciting and physical milestone all little ones will go through. Often they enjoy practising standing in the own comfort of their warm and cosy bed. You can’t force your baby to lie down and go to sleep, but there are ways that we can support this transition. 

- Safety First: Now’s the time to lower the mattress if you haven’t already – we don’t want your baby toppling out of the cot. We don't recommend cot bumper, but if you are using one, we recommend getting it out of the cot now, babies can use it as a step to help them climb out.

- Practice: Allow them the opportunities to master this skill during the day, show them how it’s done, and support them by lying down with them and sitting back up. Teach them how to sit back down by guiding them gently when they are standing up. 

- Support: When they stand up at bedtime, try and offer them some support by getting down to the mattress level and patting the mattress through the cot, indicating that it’s time to sleep. You standing over the cot will often encourage them to stand up. 

- Sleep Pressure: ensure that they have the right amount of awake windows throughout the day and before they go to sleep. Offer that late afternoon sunshine to support their serotonin levels.

- Try not to panic: With a little patience and consistency from you, like all other milestones, this will pass.    

Hang in there


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