p. Anna 021 208 7117 or Kerri 027 333 3808

How to deal with early rising

Early morning wakes can be a frustrating and challenging aspect of children's sleep. They can be the final piece of the puzzle for children who have otherwise consolidated their nighttime sleep, but figuring out how to fix them can be difficult.

One reason why early morning wakes are more challenging to fix than nighttime wakes is because of the hormone cortisol. In the early hours of the morning, cortisol levels start to rise, which helps us wake up and feel alert. This means that any external noises can easily wake us up during this sleep cycle, and with our sleep debt being lower, it can be harder to fall back into a deep sleep. Sleep pressure is low at this time of day after a full night's sleep.

It's important to remember that how you respond to these early morning wakes can reinforce the wake. For example, if it is habitual, and you are feeding, getting them up, and bringing them into the lounge or your bed can often tell them that this is wake time. So try to minimise this interaction at this time of day, keeping it as dull as possible.

But this doesn't mean that 5 am is your new time to start your day! If you are experiencing an early morning wake and want to troubleshoot, here is a checklist of things to consider:

Are they going to bed overtired?

Finding that sweet spot at bedtime is crucial.

Getting the bedtime routine just right can greatly impact your little one's sleep quality. Overtiredness may lead to restless nights and frequent awakenings, including those early morning risings.

Are they hungry?

It's worth considering if your little one might be hungry. Remember, some children may still need to be fed overnight, which can vary depending on their age. For those who have started solids, ensuring they receive enough protein in their diet is crucial to support a sustainable night's sleep.

Consider the room conditions.

Is the room Cold or bright? Are there external noises?

Ensuring it is comfortably warm with a temperature between 18-20 degrees, is any light sneaking in? use blackout curtains or blinds to minimise excessive brightness and address external noises by using white noise.

How are you responding? 

Food, light, and social interaction can all reinforce that early wake. If we are getting them up at 5.30am for a feed or some breakfast, this can encourage them to wake up at this time each day wanting that food and interaction from you.

Is their morning nap too long or too early?

If your little one is having a long morning nap, they might start waking early as their brain tells them they don't need to sleep past 5/5.30am because they will have that nice long nap at 8.30/9 am to play catch up. Some goes for an early morning nap. If they go down at 7.30/8 am for a nap, this can also reinforce that early wake-up.

Keeping with a consistent approach

To encourage a later wake, 6:30/7 am is key, be patient; it can take some time to iron out. If you are unsure, we would love for you to get in touch.



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