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Is my baby reverse cycling?

What is reverse cycling?

Reverse cycling is a common issue for many parents of babies and young children. It occurs when a baby takes the bulk of their calories at night, limiting their interest in solids and milk during the day. This can be a frustrating and confusing situation for parents, as it's common for newborns to feed a lot overnight, but as babies get older, we typically expect to see those feeds spaced out more.

Reverse cycling can affect babies from as young as 4 months old, and can continue until a child is 3-4 years old, who might still wake for a bottle at night. But why does this happen?

Babies are excellent calorie regulators; they know how many calories they need in 24 hours. If they are getting too many calories during the night and not enough throughout the day, they will go looking for those lost calories the next night. This can create a cycle of reverse cycling that is difficult to break.

If you suspect your little one is reverse cycling, consider reducing the number of night feeds they are having. This may be easier said than done, but it's worth working towards as it will help your baby learn to eat more during the day and sleep better at night. If you need help with this, consider booking a call with us and can discuss your options and help you find the best solution for your family

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Five signs my baby is reverse cycling:

- They don't show any interest in a milk feed when they first wake up in the morning. Ideally, we want babies to have a big feed at 6.30/7am when they start their day.

- They are over 7 months and still have no interest in starting solids

- Taking frequent, short feeds during the day

- They might seem uninterested in feeds all day long, or only want to feed when tired, as this will feel similar to night-time feeding.

- They are on solids but only want to eat small amounts at a time (although some babies are fine having small meals, we need to ensure that their milk intake isn't causing this)

Please remember changing a reverse cycling pattern can be challenging and hard at times. Sudden changes in your routine can often require a slow transition period while your little one adjusts.

If you are lost about where to start, we have lots of knowledge to share on this popular topic.


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