p. Anna 021 208 7117 or Kerri 027 333 3808

Our Reviews

Kelsey Darth | Dec 2022
Cannot thank Anna enough!! I was a little unsure if we wanted to sleep train our boy at first so reached out for a consult and Anna was so lovely and talked me through the whole process so we decided to go ahead and I’m so glad we did! Our boy went from being rocked to sleep for every sleep and waking 6-10 times a night to at night two with Anna; he put himself to sleep in a couple of minutes, woke once for a bottle and has been amazing ever since! So grateful to Anna for all the help and communication!!

From Danny Frederick Cowan | August 1
We were fortunate enough to work with Kerri to solve our 1 year old’s sleep issues. He wasn’t settling in his cot, waking at all hours, often up to two hours at a time, day naps were impossible, leaving all involved sleep deprived and desperate. Kerri’s advice, knowledge and patience were an absolute game changer. Throughout the whole experience she gave us informed options and ensured my partner and I were comfortable in the chosen approach. Her communication throughout the sleep training process was consistent and reassuring for our family. I would strongly recommend her to any parent who is in need of any sleep related advice. Within three nights all of our sleep problems were solved, our son now settles quickly and happily, sleeps through the night and naps like a little champ. Our only regret is not seeking her guidance out quicker!

Brittnay Kingstone | May 2023 

We reached out to Sleep Wonders when our 7-month-old wasn't sleeping. Until 4 months, she had been great, and then the regression hit. That, along with two teeth and a dummy, we were up 3-5 times each night feeding back to sleep. I knew we needed help, and after our first chat with Anna, I knew sleep wonders was right for us. It wasn't a one size fits all type business, they tailored to what was important to our family. Anna took the time to get to know our family so that when the plan came through, I knew that it was suited for our little one and what we wanted out of it. I was sceptical that getting rid of the dummy and a bit of more self-settling would make the difference, but I was wrong! After a short two weeks, we went to one wake a night and a much happier baby! Anna was there not only when it came to nap times but also to help with timing of feeds and to troubleshoot when our days didn't go the way we had hoped. To be honest, I missed her after our two weeks were up! We are all getting much more sleep and I feel confident that regardless of what comes our way to disrupt sleep that we have the tools now to help us

Paige Dawber-Ashley  | Feb 2024

Getting in touch with Sleep Wonders was the best thing we did for Amelia's sleep. Amelia was contacting napping and being breastfeed to sleep but now she is going down in her cot awake and resettling herself. Kerri was amazing throughout the process and was helpful answering all of our questions and providing lots of tips going forward. We highly recommend!!

Kate Flutey | March 2024

Our whole family have benefited from the support/service we received from Anna @ Sleepwonders. Our 10 month old was feeding to sleep and waking every 2 hours at night. I was so exhausted and our other 2 children were not getting much of my time or energy.
In a few short days she was sleeping 4 -6 hour stretches and 2 weeks in she is no longer feeding to sleep, self settling and sleeping 12 hours a night. We are so proud of her and my body is slowly adjusting to sleeping all night. The only thing we would have done differently was reach out to sleep wonders earlier. Anna is so down to earth, responsive and really listens, above all else she just gets it. The plans and schedules are super easy to follow and easily explained. It all fit in perfectly to our family of 5 and our daily schedules. Highly recommend xxx

Maddie Stevenson | May 2024

A huge thanks to Anna for the amazing support over the last two weeks. Our 5 month old now has a more consistent routine and is self settling happily and quickly for each nap. He was an expert cat napper and is now starting to have many lunch naps 1 1/2- 2 hours long and is much happier as a result. We really appreciated Anna's check ins and quick responses as we navigated our new routine and strategies. We also appreciate the documents provided to support us going forward - e.g. starting solids and age appropriate routines. Would definitely recommend Sleep Wonders - thanks again!

Gabrielle Saili | May 2022
We recently had Kerri help us with our 6month old. We were co sleeping & our goal was to get our baby into her own cot, and sleeping through the night. By implementing gentle sleep techniques & with Kerri’s support we have managed to achieve our goals. We are so thankful for Kerri’s help and the good nights rest that our whole family is now getting. Would highly recommend.

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