p. Anna 021 208 7117 or Kerri 027 333 3808

Why Choose Us

From our personal and professional experience, we know there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to sleep training. 

Together Kerri and Anna have a broad knowledge of early childhood practices, nutrition, and sleep, which will enable us to get to the bottom of what’s affecting your little one’s sleep (and the rest of the family!).

We will get to know you and your family on a personal level and set realistic goals. Each sleep plan is tailored to match your individual family values (family philosophy and parenting style).

We passionately believe that sleep is a learned skill, and it is essential for your child’s everyday development.

Meet Kerri

Hello, I’m Kerri, a devoted mum of two beautiful children Greta and Alfie.

Growing up I had a desire to work with children, this being part of my passionate and caring nature.
Working for many years as an early childhood teacher confirmed this for me.

Helping mums and dads, getting to know the different temperaments and behaviours of children helped form the mother I am today. 

However, even with all my knowledge, nothing was going to prepare me for the emotional rollercoaster of becoming a stay-at-home mum.

I did know I was about to say goodbye to my adored 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Still, I had hoped with my friend Doctor Google this would give me enough support to be blessed with a ‘good sleeper’.

It turns out I was wrong. Ongoing sleep deprivation for me was the most challenging part of my days. I spent months over-analysing by reading every sleep program that was available on the internet, sending my anxiety into a tailspin. 

That’s when I realised how passionate I was to find out what support was available and to understand all aspects of sleep – and that’s when I decided I wanted to become a certified sleep consultant.
There are often tough days in motherhood, but watching your child sleep and giving them that last kiss for the day reminds you it is all worthwhile.

I’m looking forward to meeting you and supporting you in getting a better night’s sleep.

Meet Anna

From a young age I enjoyed working with children. After gaining my qualification as a nanny, I travelled the world for over 10 years working with a number of amazing families.

My time as a nanny set me up with many practical skills and knowledge to help me once I became a Mum myself.

After having my first child, I struggled with the lack of sleep and the stress that came with having a tired and upset newborn and not knowing how to help him.

While pregnant with my second child I invested time into reading more around healthy sleep habits and the concept of awake windows. As a result, I found my second newborn experience smoother and more enjoyable.

My third baby was a completely different experience all together. We learned at six weeks old that our daughter was deaf and if we wanted her to learn to speak she would have to wear hearing aids and possibly be eligible for a cochlear implant.

Implementing healthy sleep habits and a routine early on with Tilly was absolutely crucial so she always knew what was happening next. Having a number of medical appointments each week, I could always work those around her awake times.

My interest and passion for babies’ sleep has only grown over the years and I have found myself providing advice and support to a number of friends struggling with their children’s sleep.

Once I knew my family was complete and was considering my career options, the idea of becoming a qualified sleep consultant seemed like a natural progression. 

I have loved learning the science and benefits of healthy sleep habits and how to put a range of techniques and theories into practice.

Working alongside Kerri, we are excited to share our knowledge with other parents and caregivers who are wanting to help their little ones become great sleepers.

Our Commitment to your Family

  • To work together cohesively and provide support, teaching you practical skills that will result in a better night's sleep for all.
  • To deliver the guidance and support you need, when you need it.

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